So what did we do with our final weekend? Well, we packed a lot into it. First, we saw the outdoors near our house for the first time from the comfort of our stroller.
Thanks to the arm power of daddy, I slept when the sun wasn't in my eyes.
And then, we had a sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa Hartzheim's. Yup, Elisa spent the night with my mom and dad while Andrew and I had a date night. We topped it off with sleeping in and doing a big clean of the house. We picked Elisa up at 2 that afternoon and after a nice dinner with my parents, we returned home in time for Andrew to have a guy's night! I love seeing him relaxing and having a good time. Although Elisa didn't cooperate for me and Andrew ended up coming up to get her to do his normal bed time routine for her, it seemed the night went well over all.
Sunday came around and we partook in some playtime with daddy.
We are really starting to smile a lot. I have caught her many times just grinning away at nothing. Sometimes it's followed by a bit of spit up but sometimes it truly is a smile!
And last, but not least, we had to pause for a photo shoot. We finally fit into our going home dress and she just looked too cute to pass up. So here's our model. I'm thinking I need to buy another one in a bit of a larger size so she can wear it over the summer with out the black shrug and long sleeve onesie underneath, lol.
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