Monday, March 18, 2019

Sometimes self care isn't self care

Self-care seems to be all the rage these days.  Every where you turn, moms are being encouraged to "get away" and "do something for themselves."  Even the Today show did an entire piece on how women are focusing so much on others to their own physical detriment.

While this sentiment is very true and valid, they miss one very important piece.  What is the definition of self-care?

(disclaimer: this is not my image, but from Pexels) defines self-care as "the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health." And "the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress."

But that definition is fairly non-descript.  Is it nails?  Or massages?  Or vacations?

Or is it simply sunshine, fresh air, early morning coffee and organizing your kitchen cabinets?

I have found throughout this last year that self-care for me is two fold.  Redecorating my house (sorry Andrew) and reorganizing/cleaning/decluttering.

And maybe it's more than just decluttering the physical space.  It's definitely self-preservation, because quite honestly, it keeps my mind focused on anything and everything than what I am going through.  It keeps the thoughts out of my head that so easily crop up when I have a free moment.

So yeah, I'm avoiding actually exploring those deeper recesses of my mind, but honestly that needs to be dealt with when I am no longer in the midst of a battle that takes every ounce of mental and physical energy I do have.

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