Friday, April 25, 2008

Rambling thoughts while on a plane

I know the following post is going to break all the rules of blogging, but oh well. I just sort of let my mind and thoughts go as I was flying home yesterday from the Exponential Conference. I learned a lot that I am excited about putting into action. Well, here are my thoughts:

I am not really sure what I am writing for or about. I just know that I feel like writing. Unusual, huh? It's been said that I do it well. I pray that it is true, as I want to be able to use it to further God's kingdom.

I wrote in an earlier post about who I am. I realize now that it really was misnamed, as it really focused on whose I am. I See that know. I know beyond a doubt whose I am, I have yet to discover who I am.

I just finished attending the Exponential Conference and even though I was rather disappointed in the closing, I learned a lot. And I was excited several times about what is to come, and the role that I may ply in it. I was also surprised to find that the excitement came, not in the music possibilities it may present me, but in the written and communication challenges that may be to come. I find myself excited about the possibility of entering the world and searching for those in need of Christ. I am excited about being truly free to be who I am in Christ and to show the world who does not know him, that it is ok to be you! And be Christian! Do I have to still die to self? Yes! Yes, I do, but in dying to self I am dying to my wants! To my plan, my design for my life. But not to who I am, to my passions, to my strengths, to my personality, to my interests. See, that is the fundamental difference. I am not loosing myself at all, but I am loosing the unhealthy and very human desires of following the crowd!! Of following money, of following things, of following careers. See non of that matters, truly. Who cares if I am the CEO of a company with gobs of money and a fancy car and the biggest house in town! or if I live in a small shack, working for the smallest of incomes and can barely get by? God loves me the same. Christ died for me still! God raised Him from the dead so that I might live. Don't you see? All of that really doesn't matter! I don't care any more if I become the biggest thing out there. I just care that I live my life to the fullest by fulfilling God's purpose for my life.

Now I'm not entirely sure what His purpose is for me, but I am sure that I will find out as I move down this path. I will fail along the way. Many times, I'm sure. But do I care? No. God loves me despite my failures.

Thank you Lord, that I do not need to live up to societies standards to be accepted by you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rstand your disappointment with the closing. I thought the Rick Warren talk was horrible. Tim Keller on the other hand, that was fabulous, but to end the conference off with such a crap talk from Warren, it seemed like was justifying the empire he's built, with a huge hint of egoism.Then the closing prayer, good but what a downer, I couldn't follow any of Warren.
It was rad to met you, keep going after God is seeking your role in church planting. Hope your brain doesn't hurt like mine with too much to process. Especially with the extra days tacked on of connecting with some Emergent people in Tampa area. Brain hurts.. overload.