Tuesday, September 19, 2017

I see you

One of the hardest things for a parent is to watch their child struggle.

But there is something I want you to know when you are grown and maybe I'm gone.  And maybe you stumble upon this in some random memory or search or something.  I want you to know that I see you.

I see the girl who sees someone or something get hurt and immediately jump in to try to help.  I see someone who is so full of compassion that her first reaction when I got hurt was to get a plastic bag to fill with ice.  I see someone who told me not to worry because you'll be ok so I wouldn't hurt anymore.

I see someone who is struggling with things well above her age and who doesn't know what to do.  I see someone who has immense strength and tenacity and will, who has shown this since the day she was born.  Well before her time.

I see someone who puts such complicated thoughts together that she often leaves me in awe of just how smart she is.  I see someone who can reach the stars, if only she'd believe in herself.

I see you.  I see a beautiful, brilliant, strong, courageous, tenacious girl who will move mountains.  And it breaks my heart to see you see yourself as anything less.

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