Sunday, August 22, 2010

Absolutely crazy busy weekend


We had an absolutely crazy weekend. To start, we celebrated our first birthday...11 weeks early.

I didn't really get too many pictures. These were courtesy of my brother in laws girlfriend. We were quite a bit too busy with trying to occupy an over tired, over stimulated 9 month old as well as play host and hostess. Overall, it was great to see some good friends we hadn't seen in forever. If throwing a birthday party for Elisa is the way to do it then maybe we should celebrate her birthday 11 weeks early, on the actual day AND on her supposed to be birthday lol.

Next, since family was already in town, we decided to have her baptism.

We couldn't decide what was more exciting...the water or that we were once again the center of attention.

And last, but not least, we bit the bullet and decided to finally give her a bath in the "big girl tub." Guess I should be afraid of letting her near water...

I've also put together this video of Elisa, from birth until 9 months. I want to do this again for her actual year but I wanted this for her party and, obviously, don't have a years worth of pictures yet. :)

Ok...bed now. I've got a long week ahead.

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