Ok. I realize it's been almost a month since I last posted. But you have to forgive me, I've been incredibly busy!
To start, at the end of October and the beginning of November, I had a total of 2 weeks out of the office and away from home. So I get back in town, for the first full week in the office and at home and catch up. Then I have a half week because of the holidays. One day of the holidays was spent with my parents and brother, then one day with some of Andrew friends from out of town, then 2 days up in Iowa with his parents and to see his grandma who is unfortunately in the hospital. We found out that week that she broke her knee and had a softball sized tumor in that area! It also unfortunately came back that it was malignant. But at last word, they found that it was just localized to that area and have since removed the tumor, so the hope is that all is out now and she will make a full recovery! We are continuing to pray for her, but at this point in time it appears all will be well.
So I get back from that trip and then I have to leave immediately for Huntsville for business for 3 days. So that puts me to the end of November already! And immediately upon my return, I am working like mad in my family room and my basement! For Christmas, my parents have completely remodeled my old wood paneling room. (pictures will be posted as soon as it is completed!) And our basement is at the point of needing carpet so we had to do the last minor detail work (staining the bannister, painting the doors, painting the trim, covering the ugly poles in the middle, cleaning it out of all the junk that has been used to work on it).
And now, I have to find the time to sit down and write out a Christmas letter (We've been married coming up on 4 years and have yet to send out Christmas greetings) and create an invitation to our New Years party!! Oh and somewhere in the last month, I had to go visit friends of ours who just had a baby! Well I didn't
have to go, but who can pass up looking at little ones?? I won't say it was easy keeping the green eyed monster at bay, because it wasn't, but was worth it in the end.
Yes I still struggle with the whole miscarriage thing. I keep thinking that I'd be 6 months along now and probably showing. Every time I hear of another pregnancy successfully carried to term, I want to just cry. But my day will come and I am determined to leave it in God's hands and rely on Him to provide us with the children we want when the time is right. There must have been some reason that I had to go through this and I am just waiting on God to show me why.
Andrew is still looking for a place to student teach. We are praying it will be this spring so he can start teaching his own classroom next fall. I am keeping up the hope!! Pray for him on that! He is down to his last "class" before student teaching so it is very exciting that he is just that close to being done!
Well I think I wrote a book trying to catch you all up on the King's. Next blog will be with pics of my new family room and basement!